A ball gown or wedding dress is usually only worn once - so make it count.
Experience the beauty and exquisite texture of a dress made from high quality tissue paper.
Every little tear or mark is a momentum of an unforgettable day so it can be kept as a piece of art or composted - as you wish.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Freya von Bulow: Papergirl

The idea to create PAPER COUTURE came while I did my Illustration Degree at Brighton University - the perfect combination of my favourite medium PAPER and my lifelong love for fashion.
The first ever paper garment I made was a pair of knickers which turned out very sexy and absolutely fun to wear (available to order at MY SHOP). 
I properly started making paper wedding gowns in 2008 as part of the FRONT ROW fashion shows based on the South Coast.

The beautiful thing about paper wedding gowns is that they are only worn once and wearing one feels simply exquisite - like a dream. The tissue paper moves like a magical combination of taffeta and organza and looks like fabric - but with sound.
Like any other wedding dress it will show marks and tears at the end of an unforgettable day, each of them being a momentum. Previous clients have let their guests take a paper flower off the dress at the end of the evening as a keepsake, others have let their guests write comments on it about the wonderful experience they had.
The idea is to keep the dress as a piece of art or leave it on the compost to be recycled.

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